for an integrative ecology

Would you like to work with Angélica?
I welcome applications from talented and motivated students for community and ecosystem ecology. For students joining my lab, attitude, passion, and commitment are at least as important as grades and experience. I place a premium on creativity, the desire to learn, quantitative skills, and hard work (intellectual and physical). I take an active role in mentoring students but expect students to think, develop and pursue their own questions; I encourage my students to work on projects that are a complement to my own projects. Grad school is about taking advantage of all the opportunities for intellectual, professional, and personal growth you can find. Hence, I expect my students to participate actively in the life of our lab (lab meetings and discussions), the department (e.g., attending to seminars, meet with visiting speakers), and in social life as well! You will learn as much from your fellows as you will from me.
Because our lab has a very strong field component, you will need to be prepared for long and hard work days and nights, working in remote areas, in makeshift lab. Daily activities involve hiking in difficult, hot and humid terrains, having a high likelihood of bitten by multitude of bugs, to set up experiments, data collection, and indoor sample preparation. We also thrive doing data synthesis research.
I am also happy to work with undergrads looking for a research experience under several scenarios including volunteer or academic credits.
If you are still interested in our lab, please send me an email angelica.gonzalez@rutgers.edu telling me:
What gets you excited about ecology, and why community and/or ecosystem ecology seem particularly interesting to you
What kind of reserach experiences you have had to excite you about ecology and encourage you to apply to our lab and/or grad school
Your CV