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Our team (Drs. Amanda Subalusky, Elizabeth le Roux, and myself) has received funding from the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) for an sDiv working group focused on three key objectives: (1) integrating metabolic theory and ecological stoichiometry to develop theoretical models predicting animal impacts on nutrient cycling; (2) compiling and synthesizing dispersed data on animal traits (e.g., body stoichiometry, excretion/egestion stoichiometry) across taxa and ecosystems to understand zoogeochemical effects; and (3) creating a framework to scale organismal-level zoogeochemical effects to population (abundance, demography), community (biodiversity), and ecosystem levels (nutrient stocks and fluxes).


I’m excited to announce that our group just received a prestigious NSF CAREER award! This $925,000 five-year project will integrate paleo and neoecological inference with isotope geochemistry to study the long-term dynamics of ancient and modern arthropod communities across changes in precipitation, the major driver structuring desert systems. We will be conducting field work in the Atacama Desert (Chile), taking advantage of a unique and underused paleobiological archive, rodent middens.


We have been awarded a Rutgers Research Council Grant and a Rutgers Global Change grants. We will be using data synthesis approaches and experiments to study the interactive effects of warming and nutrients on ecological processes. 


Our team (Dr. Olivier Dézerald and myself) have been funded by The German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) for a sDiv working group aimed to exploring biogeographic and macroevolutionary patterns in organismal stoichiometric diversity. Hooray for some really exciting and neat upcoming science! Looking forward to start working with a fantastic group of researchers in Leipzig at the end of this year!


We have been awarded NSF funding through DEB Ecosystem Science to study “The Effects of N and P deposition on stoichiometry, structure, and function of whole-aquatic ecosystems (Bromeliaceae and Sarraceniaceae)”

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